In this section you will find all the announcements, all the steps to follow in order to end the works, the process organization or also problems explanation. According to the problem or to the client we may also insert links to download files or documents.
13/10/2018 Hallwillerseelauf Marathon 2018: On Saturday 13/10/2018 there will be the Hallwillerseelauf Marathon and we are there too! For all the technicians that want try a little sport, they can be part of our beonsoft.net group.
19/07/2018 Popcorns&Stars: On Friday 27/07/2018 there will be the Red-Moon event, the Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of Century. We would invite our clients and interested in Moon and Space watching to share this event with us and observe the sky with our telescope. The location is in Aesch LU from 9:00 pm. Contact us if you want participate. It is free.
16/06/2017 In the week between 16/06/2017-23/06/2017 our Webhosting-Partner will migrate our Webserver and could be that some interruptions occur.