>Aggiornamenti & Tech News
17/07/2018 [Tech power: from USA to France]
Liberty, equality, technology: France is finally poised to become a tech power (link).
01/04/2018 [JDK Support 32 and 64 bit]
Up to Version 9 Oracle supports no more 32 bits platforms. This is an important information for the application architectures, integration of incomming features and project versioning.
03/11/2015 [Innovation's New World Order]
Global Shifts in R&D Spending between 2007 and 2015 according to Strategy&Business (29.03.2015)
22/07/2015 [Consumption Spread]
Adoption of new technology since 1900 in the US according to Max Roser (20.02.2015)
22/07/2015 [Education and inequality]
"The strong link between skills and family background suggests that increasing costs for education are also enhancing the probability that existing inequality will turn into future inequality" Max Roser (22.07.2015)
03/07/2015 [generic Strategy Model]
Example of a generic Strategy Model according to beonsoft (MNGSTR020715001)
02/07/2015 [generic Business Model]
Example of a generic Business Model according to beonsoft (MNGSTR020715001)
22/01/2015 [Big-Mac index 2015]
"The Economist" Study over Big-Mac index 2015
18/12/2014 [Programming language index 2014]
TIOBE Programming Community Index 2014.
02/11/2014 [Android Distribution]
Android Versions Distribution 2014.
01/05/2014 [Gartner Study]
Gartner Hype Cycle of Emerging Technologies, Hypes e Trends 2014 / 2015.
19/03/2009 [nuovo sito e spostamento vecchio indirizzo]
E' stato reso ufficiale la nuova versione del sito!
La nuova versione e' accessibile all'indirizzo internet www.beonsoft.it, mentre la vecchia lo sara' sotto www.beonsoft.it/old/main.html.